Friday, February 19, 2010

Sleepless Nights

A week ago at this time I had just finished my last day as a TCA employee and was in route to my parents house to walk on their treadmill and have dinner. Little did I know that in a few short hours I'd be going into labor and that we'd be introducing our little girl into the world.

Today's a tad bit different than last Friday. I haven't ventured out of the house except to get the mail and right now I'm sitting here updating the blog and watching Cameron sleeping in her swing. Talk about a complete 360!

Ryan and I are slowly starting to get the hang of this whole parenting thing. It's definitely an adjustment, but it's been really fun. We're just smitten with Cameron. I know I'm bias, but I just think she's the cutest little baby ever!

It has been really fun to watch Ryan with Cameron. He is so good with her, what a great daddy! You can really tell that he loves his little girl.

I think the hardest thing to get used to has probably been the crazy night time schedule. It seems like we just fall asleep and then it's time to get up again. I'm glad that there really isn't anything that I HAVE to get done during the day right now because I'm pretty worthless!

We had Cameron's newborn checkup at the pediatrician a few days ago. The doctor said that she is a very health little girl. She's starting to gain back the weight that she lost in the hospital and is peeing and pooping like a champ. It was so nice to hear that she is doing so well.

Here are the latest pictures...

Cameron didn't really like her first bath (mom and dad had a hard time with it too!)

Cameron's new swing

My little princess

Daddy's little Valentine

Wide awake


theseemanfamily said...

Yes, you will learn quickly that the swing is the greatest invention ever...haha!!!
Make sure you tell her that her Auntie Annie is coming to see her next weekend. Also, make sure she knows that NO, I am not the Auntie Anne that makes pretzels. :)

Lauren Heyl said...

I bet you guys are having a blast & are the most awesome new parents ever!!! Again, she is just beautiful - love the "wide awake" pic :)We'll have to come visit to meet her & bring you goodies once she gets older :)
Thinking of you THREE!!!