Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Shower - 35 Weeks

Baby Volk is the size of a honeydew melon!

Photo courtsey of BabyCenter.com
Read about how the baby is developing

Only 5 more weeks to go. Isn't that hard to believe? I'm still having trouble getting a handle on the fact that this whole thing is going to be reality soon.

Last weekend I had my baby shower at the Solomon's house. Regina was a fabulous hostess! I had such a good time. We got a lot of awesome gifts. My sister went crazy and got us this huge basket full of baby goodness, including two homemade blankets, homemade stuffed animals, a cute homemade baby sweater and a bunch of other fun items - she is so gosh darn talented! We also got our car seat which is a must have to bring baby home, so that's pretty cool. Thanks to everyone that was able to come and spend the afternoon with me celebrating baby. It was fun to see you all. I'm so blessed to have so many wonderful friends.

Tonight I'm taking a breastfeeding class at the hospital. A few people recommended taking one so I figured what the heck, might as well go learn how to correctly feed this child. After all, if she's anything like her parents she's going to love to eat!

I think that's all I've got for now. As soon as I track down some pictures from the shower I'll post those, but for now it's kind of a boring looking posting. Sorry about that!

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