Sunday, August 30, 2009

Maternity Clothes Here I Come - 15 Weeks

Baby Volk is the size of an apple!

Photo courtsey of
Read about how the baby is developing

I boxed up a lot of my clothes and put them in the garage this week because they are definitely not fitting very well anymore. I'm in this phase where I'm not really showing yet, but I've put on enough weight that's it's making a difference. I guess I'm ready for the "I'm not fat, I'm pregnant" t-shirt.

I went shopping with my mom last weekend to get some new clothes that actually fit. It was wonderful because my wardrobe was getting down to basically nothing. I got some great in between stuff that isn't actually maternity, but is very forgiving. I also got some maternity stuff too. Some of the maternity clothes I got are so huge right now, I can't even imagine actually fitting into them. But I have been assured that I will in fact fit into them eventually. It's just crazy to think about that!

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