Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Latest

Big Sister In Charge
This was just too tempting! I couldn't resist putting Sydney into the play stroller. Doesn't she look huge in there? I couldn't have picked a better time to do it either, Cameron was wearing her big sister in charge was perfect! She sure did think it was pretty cool to push her baby sister around the house, even if it made me a little nervous!  

The Girls
Cameron is really adjusting well to having a little sister. She is so sweet to Sydney. She loves to give her kisses, and when she cries she'll say "Sydney, it's ok". She likes to help give Sydney her pacifier when she's crying and when Cameron wakes up from her naps she'll run out of her room and go looking for Sydney. It's so much fun to watch. I just can't wait for when Sydney is big enough to interact with Cameron, they're going to have so much fun together!

Freddy Bites the Dust
Cameron is definitely a pacifier girl. Every since she found her fingers at about a month old I've been a pacifier pusher. I figure it's easier to take away a pacifier than to break a finger sucking habit.

Anyway, Cameron has become really attached to her pacifiers. She has two Wubbanubs—the pacifiers with the little animals attached—and they have become her "thing". They are what sooth her when she's upset and what calm her down when she's falling asleep. She doesn't have a stuffed animal or a blanket or anything like that. Just the pacifiers.

Well, yesterday Cameron kept trying to tell me something and I couldn't figure out what she was talking about for the longest time. Then I finally realized. She was trying to tell me that Freddy was broken. With all the use that he's gotten, the tip of the pacifier finally wore down and cracked. And as you can imagine, a pacifier is kind of worthless if it's broken like that.

So now I'm faced with a dilemma. Do I replace it, or do it just use this as an opportunity to start breaking the pacifier habit. I'm definitely leaning towards starting to break the habit. But it's kind of hard because it's her "thing" and she doesn't have another "thing" that comforts her right now. Hmmm what to do what to do. I guess I need to start being a blanked pusher. :)

Mommy Bling
When Cameron was born Ryan got me an awesome necklace that had a charm with her name on it. Well for my birthday last week he got me a new one with both Cameron and Sydney's names on it. Isn't it perfect? I seriously love it. My hubby is the best!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sydney in the stroller cracks me up! I would have done the same! I should have tried to put Kayla in his oversized GIJoe Jeep when she was smaller, ha. I'm excited for when little Sister gets bigger also. Sean better enjoy the years before she can snatch his toys away! That's a toughie with the paci. I bet whatever you do will be fine! Sweet necklace, I love those personalized stamped ones!