Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sydney Update

I mentioned this briefly before, but when Sydney was born the pediatrician noticed a small abnormality with her bottom and recommended that we have her transferred down to Children's Hospital so she could be examined by the specialists there. Long story short, the specialists determined that it would be necessary for Sydney to have surgery when she was two or three months old.

We had an appointment with the surgeon yesterday afternoon so we could go over the details of the procedure and ask him questions. The surgery will be 3 hours long and they will put her under. Then she'll need to be in the hospital two days after so they can monitor her and keep her on an IV. She's not going to be able to eat for 24 hours before and 48 hours after the surgery so that her system will be cleaned out for the procedure and the initial recovery period.

To be honest, I haven't really let myself thing about the whole thing too much yet. It just makes me too sad to think about my little baby having to go under anesthesia for three hours. Poor thing. But the good thing is the surgeon seems to be really confident about the procedure. It's nothing out of the ordinary for him, even if it is a really big deal for us.

The surgery is scheduled for the second week in December, which I'm sure sill be here before we know it. We are just trusting God in the middle of this all and praying that He keeps Sydney safe. Please keep us in your prayers. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh poor little one. Will definitely be praying for her and yall. Please keep me updated so I can pray at specific times! (during her surgery)