Monday, September 15, 2014

Fishing… at the pool!

At the end of the summer the Broomfield Bay pool by my mom and dad's house puts fish in the water and open it up for a day of fishing for the kiddos. Slightly random? Yes. Super fun? YES! We of course do not have any fishing gear, but luckily Cameron's little friend Griffin came to the rescue and let us borrow their fishing rods. The girls had a great time trying to catch fish, but regardless of our efforts we were empty handed at the end of the afternoon. Cameron was a little disappointed that we didn't have any fish, but a sweet family who caught several fish offered to let us take one of their fish home with us. The girls were thrilled! Yet another Volk family adventure success story! ;)

P.S. Thanks Superpop and Granne for organizing the outing for us!

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