Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 4th Twenty14

Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays. I love being outside in the warm summer weather spending time with friends and family and watching fireworks. It's seriously so much fun. Not to mention it's also our anniversary (yep that's right, we've been married 8 YEARS! Crazy-pants!)

This year we had our annual bike parade. I'm proud to say that the parade is really growing. So fun! We even had someone come play music (aka their banjo) for us from the back of a pickup truck! Ryan's cousin Brett was in town so he got to participate in the festivities too. He was awesome and helped with bike decorating, which is perhaps the most important job of the day! Then when the sun set we went to watch the fireworks at the golf course with Papa and Mimi. It was so fun! Kelton participated in everything like a champ. Now that I think about it, this was his first official holiday!

Side note: To celebrate our anniversary, my mom and dad watched the girls so that Ryan and I (and Kelton) could go out to dinner. It was so nice! When we were done with dinner it was still early and we weren't quite ready to pick the girls up so I came up with a great activity for us…pedicures! My hubby is such a trooper! (Secretly I think he loved it!) Oh, and a little special surprise showed up at my house! So beautiful. Thank you my love! I'm so lucky to have you!

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