Tuesday, October 1, 2013

New Jersey Trip!

While the rain was still pouring down in Colorado, the girls and I escaped to New Jersey to visit the fam. We had a WONDERFUL time. It was a blast seeing Grandma and Grandpa and everyone else.

Here are the girls eagerly awaiting the airplane's arrival in Denver.

It was just the three of us on the flight there (Granne met us in NJ) and I won't lie, it wasn't my most stellar flight experience ever thanks to:
  1. Mom screwing up and not actually downloading the new "surprise" movie (which I had been talking up all day) onto the iPad before we left. I'm not entirely sure what I did wrong, but I do know when I went to turn the movie on when we got onto the airplane it disappeared into the "Cloud" somewhere. Cameron was less than impressed.
  2. The extremely grumpy older couple that sat in front of us on the flight. They were so mean and impatient with my kids. Granted the girls were not angels on the flight, but they definitely were not horrible. I was doing my best to keep their energy contained into the 24-inches of space that we had, but those of you with kiddos know, that is not incredibly easy. Any normal compassionate person would have turned around and smiled at us and understood that flying with kids isn't easy. Heck, most people tell me how cute the girls are and are more than happy to engage them for a few minutes. But this couple was far from compassionate. Half way through the flight they informed me that at least when their kids were little, "they taught them how to behave at home," which I apparently have not. Needless to say, I was in tears. DON'T BE THOSE PEOPLE...DON'T EVER BE THOSE PEOPLE!!! (Ok, now I'm done with my rant, back to the trip.) 
Sydney and Cameron warmed up to the New Jersey crew right away.

 Cameron scored a cute bunny at a garage sale by Grandma's house. 

Sydney tried clams, she wasn't overly impressed, but at least she tried them! 

Aunt Anne made Sydney's day when she had this purse sitting in a box of toys when we got to their house. She carried that purse around the whole time we were there. 

Watching a movie with Aunt Mac (I finally figured out how to get the "surprise" movie downloaded!) 

Walking to the park with Aunt Anne. 

The girls weren't very interested in the water, but they sure did have fun playing in the sand. 

Cameron worked really hard to decorate her sand castle. 

I snuck this picture of my grandparents... isn't it sweet? 

They have a great playground at the beach. It's actually a memorial for a little girl who was killed in a nearby school shooting. Isn't that a great idea for a memorial for a kid? What a wonderful way to remember and honor a little kiddo. 

It's so rare to see these two cuddled up like this! Had to capture the moment. 

Cameron and Sydney had Grandma and Grandpa running around playing with them for quite awhile one night! 

This little munchkin is such a little ham. 

We, of course, had to hit up Dunkin' Donuts while we were there (and send pictures to daddy to make him jealous!) 

We really did have a wonderful trip. Thank you so much to all of the New Jersey crew for taking care of us while we were there! We love you and miss you already!


Anonymous said...

I love the sexy little panties your daughter wears, I really appreciate a toddler wearing sexy panties when I pull them down to lick her pu--y

Anonymous said...

Seeing up her dress and seeing her panties makes me rock hard