Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Years

I got a new camera lens for Christmas, so our New Years weekend started like this...

With me testing out my new lens and Sydney being my sweet little model...

Ryan got in on the action too...

But then it was back to Sydney. Cameron was NOT interested in being a model.

Then I turned my head for two seconds and this is what I found when I looked back! Sneaky kid! Climbing on the table is now her favorite thing to do.

On New Years Eve, we headed to the Denver Children's Museum for "Noon Years Eve". They do a countdown and ball drop every hour so the kids can partake in the excitement without staying up until midnight and being totally exhausted. Brilliant! Apparently, everyone else thought it was a brilliant idea too, because it was PACKED. But that's ok, it didn't stop us from having a great time.

Before Cameron went to bed we did a little toasting.

 And then Ryan got a little carried away with the wine...

Just kidding! Isn't he handsome?!

Ryan and I stayed up until about 11:00pm and then went to bed. Don't say it, we already know, we are SO COOL!

New Years day, Sydney crawled into the stroller and did this...

And then she did this...

Followed by this...

So even though it was super cold, we bundled the girls up and went outside. We had a lot of fun in the snow. In retrospect, I should have put snow pants on them. Oh well!

That's pretty much it for the New Year's festivities. Here are a couple other random pictures from the week. I learned my lesson and got them bundled in their complete snow outfits this time!

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