Saturday, November 24, 2012

Gobble Gobble

We kicked off Thanksgiving 2012 a couple weeks ago with the Longmont Turkey Trot. We were originally planning on pushing both girls in the double stroller, but when the weather forecast predicted lots of coldness the morning of the run, we decided to make some last minute plans. Superpop and Granne took Cameron for the night, and I made a quick call to a friend to see if I could borrow her rice packs to keep Miss Sydney warm.

Saturday morning's weather held true to the forecast, it was pretty cold. But luckily it didn't start to get really cold and snowy until later in the day. We bundled up, packed Sydney in the stroller with a bunch of heated rice sacks and blankets and headed to the starting line.

The race was great. Sydney was super cozy and fell asleep for the first part of the race. And considering that I haven't really been able to run very much lately, I actually felt pretty good. The best part of the whole day... we won free entry to the Broomfield Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning! Which was perfect since we were planning on spending Thanksgiving with my mom and dad down in Broomfield.

Thanksgiving morning Ryan and I headed down to Broomfield for our second Turkey Trot of the year. The girls stayed with Superpop and Granne while we ran. It was a BEAUTIFUL day. Cool, but not cold and sunny. There was a little bit of wind that wasn't ideal, but what can you do. I felt great and actually beat my Longmont Turkey Trot time by 5 minutes, which I was pretty excited about. Ryan ran a great race too.

After the run, we grabbed Starbucks and a newspaper and headed to my mom and dad's to research the Black Friday Sales. I've never really done Black Friday shopping before, but my sister and I decided that we should give it a shot. After devising a shopping plan we sat down for dinner. We had a super yummy turkey dinner complete with coconut cream pie for dessert (Cameron was super excited because she got to help Superpop make the pie). Sydney LOVED the green bean casserole and Cameron was obsessed with the sparkling cider.

Jenna and I headed out to the Black Friday sales at about 9pm. All I'll say is it was definitely an experience! We got some good deals, waited in some crazy lines, and all in all had a pretty good time.

Before I sign off, I want to share a few of the things that I'm thankful for, I am truly one very blessed girl. I'm thankful to my wonderful husband for all that he is and all that he does for our family. I'm thankful for my two beautiful baby girls who bring me such joy. I'm thankful for my family, my friends and all of the wonderful things we have been blessed with. Most of all I'm thankful for Jesus and the gift he gave when he died on the cross.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kinda jealous of Sydney, she looks comfy and so bundled. I can only stand the cold if I'm ridiculously layered in warmth, and I'd be fun to have someone push me around :) ha
Kayla is all about green beans too. She had them
with her pizza the other night.
Just thinking of black Friday crowded shopping gives me anxiety. I don't think I'll ever go! Glad you got some deals and didn't get trample by lil old ladies.