Monday, October 29, 2012

The Bible is True!

I've been doing Bible Study Fellowship for several years now. It's a great program, not just for me, but for the kiddos too. The children's leaders are wonderful and they are very intentional about teaching the kids about God's truth. Even the little babies hear a bible story every week. This year it's been really fun because Cameron is old enough to talk to us about what she's learning at BSF every week. A few weeks ago she started "teaching" bible stories. First to her animals in her room. and then to us. It was really sweet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So sweet. I started BSF last fall when Kayla was a newborn. Sadly I've had to take a break this semester as I'm approaching my due date. But I so love what Sean gets out of the lessons. He sings a little song with hand clapping and lap slapping. I wonder if Cameron sings it too. "absolutely true, absolutely true, everything the bible says is absolutely true."