Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sydney's 1st Birthay Party

It wouldn't be a first birthday without a big blowout birthday party, right? Ok, so MAYBE I went a little overboard, BUT we had a ton of fun! Sydney was a little overwhelmed at first, but once she warmed up she had a great time. We are so lucky to have so many wonderful friends who were able to come and help us celebrate!

Me and my sweet little birthday girl. Love this kiddo!

Cameron and her friends coloring pumpkin pictures.

Papa and Superpop...the two greatest grandpa's in the whole world! :)

Here's Uncle Ross showing off Cameron's pumpkin picture. Uncle's have very important jobs (like caring for priceless artwork).  

Here was the spread: fruit and yogurt parfait bar, egg and sausage casserole, pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, banana bread muffins, applesauce, and home made pumpkin spice creamer. All I have to say is YUM!

Sydney had a blast climbing on top of this table during the party. I think at one point she was standing on top of it. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess (Ryan likes to get pretty crazy sometimes too!) ;) 

Sydney thought Mimi was pretty funny when she was tickling her with the balloon.

This is Cameron and her sweet friend Bella reading books to each other. How cute are they?

Here's the little smash cake that I made.

Sydney didn't really get into the cake this time. I'm not sure if it was because there were 20 sets of eyes on her, or if she just wasn't a fan of the cream cheese frosting. Maybe she is just destin to be a chocolate girl like her Mommy.

Missy and Madi, two of our favorites.

Well even if Sydney wasn't a huge fan of the cake, it appears the other kids thought it was decent. To be honest I almost skipped making the cupcakes. It's a good thing I didn't! All the kiddos were chomping at the bit to have a cupcake. I had no idea what a highlight the birthday party cupcakes were going to be. I guess it's been awhile since I was a kid.

Cameron is completely obsessed with Beau! She thinks he is the coolest, funniest person in the whole world. And when he wanted to roughhouse, she was all about it. Dexter (Beau's little brother) got in on the action too.

The Lego table was a hit. Surprisingly, Sydney got into it just as much as some of the bigger kids.

Sydney made out pretty well with her birthday gifts. She is seriously one lucky girl. It was pretty funny opening the presents. Look how many helpers we had. :)  

Don't worry, Sydney got in on plenty of the opening action.

She was very excited about her new remote control and was anxious to show it to Uncle Ross.

Mommy, Daddy and the birthday girl!

Papa and Mimi and the birthday girl!

Granne and Superpop and the birthday girl!

Uncle Ross and the birthday girl!

Auntie Jenna and the birthday girl!

Even though it wasn't her birthday, Cameron got a few goodies of her own. Look at her typing away on her new computer (can you say college scholarship!)

After her party I wanted to get some pictures of Sydney by the Happy Birthday sign.

And when we were outside taking pictures, Sydney found the huge pile of leaves, which we had to play in...

...because leaves are SO much fun!

Like I said, Sydney made out pretty darn well with her birthday gifts, but I have to show you one in particular. My sister made this grocery bag and fruit. Is it not the coolest thing in the world?

 Sydney enjoyed carrying it around her neck. Crazy kid! :)

The morning after her party, she was having a blast with all the new toys.

So in a nutshell: the party went great and we are so thankful for all our friends and family who helped us celebrate our special little Sydney Kate!

1 comment:

theseemanfamily said...

looks like so much fun!!! We sure miss those sweet girls and are sad we miss the important stuff like that :(