Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Six Months Old!

Sydney's Six Months Old!

April 11, 2012
Weight: 16 pounds, 5 ounces
Length: 25.5 inches
Head: 43 centimeters

Our little sweet pea is growing up. We're already celebrating her half birthday! Craziness. Friday was her 6 month doctors appointment and the pediatrician said she looked great! She had to get two shots, :( but she actually handled them pretty well and didn't cry for very long at all. She is growing wonderfully, 57th percentile for her weight, 79th percentile for her length and 75th percentile for head circumference. 

So Sydney, what are you up to at six months old? 
  • You took your first big vacation this Hawaii! Overall you were a great little traveler, although the transition back into "normal" life when we got home was a little rough.  
  • You're still a pretty good little sleeper, although your sleeping routine hasn't be quite as solid the past month. You've been waking up more in the middle of the night and haven't been as consistent with your napping. BUT that's probably a combination of traveling, teething, and other inconsistencies in your life. 
  • You started eating solid foods this month. So far you've had rice cereal and sweet potatoes...and you love them! You always finish whatever I have for you. Next we're moving onto squash and pears.
  • You're still breastfeeding 5-6 times a day. The 6th feeding often sneaks its way in when you wake up in the middle of the night due to the funky sleeping habits.  
  • You wear mostly 9 month clothes (some 6 month still) and size 3 diapers. 
  • You got your first two teeth, the two bottom middle ones. 
  • You've learned how to use your rolling skills to get around. 
  • Just in the past few days you've started to really push up and you've even managed to get yourself into a plank a couple times.  
  • You can kind of sit up now. You lean forward a ton still, but you are able to stay up all by yourself for a bit.
  • You went to your first Baylor Bears sporting event...the women's final four.
  • You started sleeping on your tummy most of the time.
  • You switched to a new kind of pacifier this month, a MAM.
  • You celebrated your first Easter.
  • You are still a super smiley and happy baby. We love playing with you and seeing you become your own little person. We love you so much baby girl!

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