Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sic 'em Bears!

The Lady Bears closed out an undefeated season and won the national title last night! Wooohooo, go Bears! The last time they won I was a senior in college and a few of my girlfriends and I road triped it from Waco to Indianapolis to watch them win. Good times. :)

Anyway, the women's final four was in Denver this year and Ryan got tickets for the games Sunday night. (There are definitely some nice perks that come along with his job!) We had box seats, which was awesome because we brought Miss Sydney along. We decided it was time to start grooming her to be a Baylor Bear! We've already had a good start with Cameron—she is really good at saying "Go Bears!" and is getting pretty close to mastering sic 'em— so we left her home with Papa and Mimi. I'm pretty sure she had more fun with them than she would have had with us!

The three of us had a great time, and being in the box turned out to be a life saver because Sydney wasn't a huge fan of the crowd getting super loud and excited, although she got a little more used to it as the night went on.

Other big news in our house...Sydney got her first tooth! She hasn't been sleeping well for the last several nights. I just thought she was still adjusting from our trip to Hawaii, then last night I felt it. A little tiny sharp spot on the bottom of her mouth. I gave her some Tylenol and she slept much better last night. Thank goodness it was just a tooth. I was starting to get worried that I had lost my good little sleeper (and that would be BAD NEWS for this momma).


1 comment:

Unknown said...

very cool yall were at the game! GO Bears!
Kayla has two little teeth coming in on the bottom too.
Bye bye gummy smile =(