Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Date Night & Glucose Test

Last night Ryan and I went to a movie for our late anniversary celebration. We saw Harry Potter in 3D, which I really liked. I'm not a Harry Potter connoisseur or anything, so I couldn't tell you all the things that were in the book that the movie was missing, but from what I remember of the book, the movie seemed to tell the store pretty well.

Then this morning I had an OB appointment and my Glucose Screening Test. I survived the glucose test (a lot of people I know really hate doing the test, but I don't think it's all that bad). I'm lucky though because I only had to do the 1 hour test. Only if they get questionable results do I have to go back and do the longer test. My doctor said they are in the process of switching over so that everyone has to take the longer test the first time, but they haven't quite make the switch yet, so I was able to slide by.

The appointment went well too. Baby seems to be doing great. Her heartbeat is strong and she's head down, both good things. I have my next appointment in 3 weeks, which means I'm getting towards the end of the pregnancy (throughout most of the pregnancy you only go in once a month). I can't believe 2/3 of it is already over. Crazy!  

Cameron spent the night with Superpop and Granne, which worked out great because I was able to pick her up after my appointment this morning. She had a blast. While we were doing this...

She was busy doing this...

But even though it's nice to have a little bit of a break and have a kid free night, we missed our little toots. So we made sure to send her a good morning picture this morning, just so she didn't forget us ;-).

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