Saturday, October 9, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

We've been really busy the last week. I've been getting a new website ready to launch for the company I've been working for and that has been time consuming and a little crazy. But all work and no play makes Rachel sad, so we've managed to fit some fun things into our schedule too. Here are the highlights:

Saturday Night: We decided to go to church on Saturday and then we met up with some friends for dinner after. The other couple has a little 4 month old girl so we're hoping she and Cameron are friends when they get bigger. Taking Cameron out to eat is starting to get kind of difficult. She is so busy that we have to really work at keeping her entertained. But spoons seemed to do the trick on Saturday, at least for most of the time we were out, so the evening was a success.

Sunday: Ryan and I took Cameron swimming at the Longmont Rec Center. I've never been there before so I wanted to check it out. It's not quite as cool as my mom and dad's rec center in Broomfield, but they do have a really fun slide and lots of kids stuff.

Sunday Night: My little sister just finished decorating her apartment, so we went down to check it out and then after went out for dinner to celebrate her birthday at a restaurant called the Elephant Bar. The restaurant had a lot of fun African style decorations, so we busted out the camera!

Monday: I can't even remember what we did on Monday...gosh talk about mommy brain!

Tuesday: Cameron and I met some friends at the library for story time. They have a special group for birth to 2 years where they read stories and sing songs. It was really neat and I think that Cameron liked it. After story time we had lunch with friends. Cameron loves playing with bigger kids right now. She is just so amazed by the things they can do. I think I'm in trouble once she starts walking.

Wednesday: BSF was Wednesday morning. I'm really enjoying it so far. We're studying the book of Isaiah and I have to admit, it has been pretty intense for me. The first part of Isaiah talks a lot about the Last Days and the Day of the Lord and I haven't really spent a lot of time thinking about that before.

Thursday: We went to the zoo because I wanted to see the baby orangutan. Well, the baby orangutan wasn't out when we were there, BUT we did get to see four baby tigers. They were so cute running around playing. It was funny to watch the mommy tiger pace around keeping an eye on the cubs.

Thursday Night: I went and met a friend for coffee. It's actually kind of funny, I went to middle school with her and we recently ran into each other at church. She is expecting her first kiddo in December, so it was fun the catch up and talk about baby stuff.

Friday: Annie and Cole are here from Texas, so Cameron and I got to hang out with them, Grammy, Papa and Uncle Ross on Friday. Cameron thinks Cole is pretty cool. She loves climbing on him and watching what he's doing. Last night she kept trying to steal his sippy cup, which she almost did a couple times. Cole you better watch out!

Saturday: This morning I went to a ladies breakfast at our church. I'm really trying to be a little more proactive about meeting and connecting with people at our church. It's extremely hard because the church is so big, but I figure doing things like this is a start.

Saturday Afternoon: This afternoon my MOPS group had the MOPS and POPS Amazing Race Boulder for the ladies in our group and our spouses. It was basically like a mini version of the Amazing Race competition on TV. Ryan and I were going to go and be on a team with our friends Ryan and Brianne, but at the last minute Ryan ended up having to go to urgent care instead because something funky was going on with his elbow. (Turns out it's elbow bursitis, poor guy). Anyway, another girl ended up joining our team instead and we had a blast...AND our team won! I was just sad Ryan wasn't able to come an play with us.

We'll that just about brings you up to speed on everything that we've been up to. Ryan has been really busy at work and probably will be for the next few months, so keep him in your prayers. Here are some pictures from our week. We took a lot of pictures during the Amazing Race, but they weren't on my camera so I'll have to see if I can get copies.  

 Cameron with the birthday girl, Aunt Jenna

 Jenna made this cute little dress for Cameron

Cameron sticking her tongue out...I think she was trying to eat the packaging for Jenna's new Nook

Ryan and Cameron with the elephant at the Elephant Bar

 Cameron riding on the giraffe

 The mommy tiger at the zoo

Three of the cute little baby tigers

 Mr. Elephant

Cameron chilling in her stroller at the zoo

 Cameron and Cole, he is so good at smiling for the camera 

 Helping with the laundry...she climbed in the basket all by herself, silly girl

Cameron loves pulling up on things these days, this is one of her favorite places to play right now

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