Friday, June 11, 2010

Las Vegas

I think I mentioned this before, but about a month ago I started working part time for my dad's company helping them with some marketing related "stuff". This past week was the big industry trade show in Las Vegas, so Cameron and I flew out to attend the show. Well actually, I attended the show, Cameron got to hang out with Grandma all week!

Grandma and Cameron, it was a little windy out

What a big girl, she's big enough to face outward in her baby bjorn now

It ended up working out great, my mom was already planning on going on the trip with my dad, so when we started talking about me going too, everything just sort of fell into place. My mom watched Cameron while my dad and I worked and then I watched Cameron while my mom and dad went out and partied! HA

I'm only partly serious about the partying part. The truth is that they just went to check out all the big trade show parties. Some companies go all out and spend a whole bunch of money on these things, so it's definitely worth stopping by to see what all the hype is about.

I managed to get some play time in too. The most notable activity, we took Cameron for her first dip in the pool! It was so funny, she didn't really react much, she was just completely mesmerized by all the water.

We didn't have much time to walk around on the strip, but we did get to check out a few places.

We went to dinner on Thursday night and Cameron got a hold of this piece of celery. It was so funny!

We flew home yesterday. Ryan picked us up from the airport and brought us home. It was really good to see him. We missed him! Then yesterday afternoon I took Cameron to her 4 month doctors appointment. Stay tuned for little peanut's 4 month update...


Unknown said...

Sounds like yall had a great time. I'm sure grandma loved being there for lil Cameron. She look's like she's got quite a bit of hair. And she's becoming quite the experienced traveler. Happy Summer!

Unknown said...

We have that cute green dress for Taylor too, but it's still too big! It looks adorable on Cameron! And YAY for traveling adventures!