Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Happy Memorial Day!

Thank you to all those who have or are currently serving in the armed forces. We are truly blessed by the sacrifice that you and your families have made to protect our country. May you be remembered and honored today and always.

We've had a really nice weekend. Here's the rundown on all our activities.

One of my good buddies from high school, Katie, was in town visiting her family this week, so Cameron and I got to hang out with her Thursday afternoon. It was so great to see her! It was the first time she got to meet Cameron which was really neat. It's so crazy to think that it's been almost a decade since Katie and I were running around on the basketball court together. It's amazing how quickly time passes.

Cameron and her new friend Katie

Cameron got to stay with Grammy Kathy on Friday morning while I went into work (for those of you who didn't know, I've started doing some part time marketing work for a company called USAV Group. It's mostly from home with the exception of a Friday morning meeting that I go in for every week. It's been working out really well so far.)

Then Friday afternoon, Grandma Anne came over to play with us. Cameron got to show off her new rolling over skills. Friday night I went to a wedding shower for one of my best friends from middle school, Jackie. Cameron stayed home with Ryan. I'm pretty sure she showed off her rolling skills to her daddy too!

Grandma and Cameron

Gearing up to roll over

Saturday morning we slept in. We'll actually I got up fed Cameron and when she fell asleep for her morning nap I crawled back into bed. We took it pretty easy and vegged out for the rest of the day. It felt really good to not do anything.

We went to church Sunday morning. We actually tried out a new church. We've been trying out new churches the last few weeks. We really like a lot of things about the church we go to now, but it is just so big I feel like we get lost in the crowd. I wanted to check out a few other churches in our area to see if there is anything that is a little bit better fit for us. So far we haven't been anywhere that we like better than Flations. I think we might try one or two more churches and then call it quits.

Sunday afternoon we went for a walk with toots. Then we dropped her off at Grammy and Grandpa's house and headed down to Broomfield for Jackie and Sean's wedding. I forgot my camera so I didn't get any pictures which I'm really bummed about. She was a beautiful bride.

Cameron in a new dress

She wore her really cute fancy pants that Grammy and Aunt Annie got for her

Here's a close up of the fancy pants

Cameron sporting her baseball cap on our walk

Ryan got up really early and went golfing with some friends, so Cameron and I got to hang out at home. We went for a jog in the morning. I love jogging with Cameron in the Bob stroller. It's so nice! When we got back from our jog, Cameron wanted to practice rolling over some more. She's gotten really good at rolling from her back to her tummy, but she hasn't really mastered rolling back over to her back, so she gets stuck a lot. When Ryan got home we walked to Starbucks and got a drink. On the way home we realized we had a flat tire in the Bob. Yuck!

Here's a video of our little rollie pollie. This time you can see the full roll.

Smiley little girl

Cameron's getting so strong

Tuckered out after a long weekend

1001 Things It Means to Be a Mom, Thing #2: Being a mom means being a role model.


theseemanfamily said...

Yay Cameron! I can't believe she's rolling over already! Do you think it took Cole longer b/c he weighed 800lbs?? :) ha!
Oh, and that last picture of her on her belly, he feet look like they are a womens size 8! Must take after her momma!

Rachel said...

Her feet DO look huge! HA I didn't realize that until you pointed it out.