Wednesday, April 7, 2010


When I was pregnant people would tell me all the time how wonderful it was to be a mommy. I would nod my head and smile and tell them that I was excited, that I couldn't wait, that I knew it was going to be great, etc, etc. But the truth is, there is no way to fully appreciate what they mean until you experience it for yourself.

Sure it's hard sometimes - being up in the middle of the night, dealing with a baby who is fussing for no reason at all, trying to make dinner one handed. I can only imagine what it's like being the mother of a two year old who has just learned to tell you no, or a middle school girl who has taken a recent interest boys, or a teenager who has a bad attitude. But I'm convinced that the rewards of mommyhood by far outweigh the challenges. At least they have for me so far.

The past few days I have found myself thinking over and over how blessed I am that God has entrusted us with this little person's life. Cameron is such a sweet little baby and every single morning I'm excited that I get to spend another day with her.

These are just a few of the things I love about being Cameron's mommy, I know I could come up with a lot more.

I love...
  • Knowing that I can calm her down when nobody else can
  • Watching her explore the world and learn to do new things
  • Listening to the sound of her little noises and coos
  • Dressing her up in cute little outfits
  • Holding her on my chest while she sleeps
  • Watching her smile back at me when I smile at her
  • Feeding her, it's such a special time
  • Telling her stories and reading her books
  • Watching her sleep, she's so peaceful
  • Knowing that I get to watch this little girl grow up

What a blessing it is to be a mommy!


theseemanfamily said...

That third picture down, she's saying..."ooo ooo I have a question, pick me pick me!!"

andersons2002 said...

What a sweet post!

Lora and Crew said...

I'm so glad you are enjoying Motherhood. It is a true blessing. Enjoy all the changes... good and bad. There will be times when you feel like Cameron is taking a step backward... but then she'll jump forward two steps. That's generally how they do it.

Love the pics!! I agree with Annie on pic #3!!