Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sydney Update

We've had a slight change of plans...Sydney's surgery that was scheduled for this morning has been postponed until January. This weekend Sydney started to come down with a cold—congestion, coughing, etc. I wasn't surprised because Cameron was sick all last week. I tried to be super careful washing hands and keeping them apart, but I've come to realize that there is no getting around it. If one sibling gets sick, eventually the other does too.

I ended up taking Sydney in to the pediatrician yesterday morning so the doctor could give us a recommendation on whether or not we should move forward with the surgery. The doctor checked Sydney out and said she probably wouldn't have the surgery. Better for her to be 100% before putting her though something like that. The doctor said there's a chance Sydney has RSV, but since she seems to be doing pretty well that the best course of action is just to keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't get much worse. RSV or not, it will most likely run its course in a couple days.

When I called the surgeon's office, they said that if she does have RSV, they want to wait another 6 weeks to allow her to fully recover before having the surgery. So that puts us into January.

I'm totally bummed because we really got ourselves mentally prepared for this (I spent a lot of time in tears over the weekend just thinking about it) and we were ready to get it behind us. But at the same time I am thankful that the doctor's first priority is keeping Sydney safe.

So that's the update. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. We've very much appreciated the encouraging words that you have sent our way. We'll continue to keep you posted. Now we're just praying that Sydney gets healthy again fast. It's so sad to listing to your little baby hack up a lung. Poor little girl. :( 

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