Cameron loves to be the center of attention. A couple days ago I put Sydney in this cute little red dress/top that Jenna made for Cameron when she was little. It looked so cute that I wanted to get a few pictures of her wearing it. Well, of course Miss Cameron wanted her picture taken too. So she managed to push her way into the chair for a few shots. Although, I couldn't convince her to put her pacifier away.
More often than not, we find Cameron camped out by her door after we put her to bed. Sometimes she'll lay down with her feet up and kick the door hoping that if she makes enough noise we'll come in to see her. We usually just let her pound away until she eventually gives up and falls asleep. Every once in awhile we'll walk by the door and see her little fingers peaking out under it. The first time I saw it I was cracking up. Then the next time I grabbed the camera. HA
Sometimes Cameron isn't too interested in taking her afternoon nap. But even if she's not sleepy, I make her stay in her room for awhile. Well the other day this is what I walked in on when I went to get her up from her "nap"! She had pulled every single book off her bookshelf an put it on her bed. HAHA Seriously, what a crack up!
I bought Cameron this cowgirl hat in North Dakota when we were there this summer. She wasn't very interested in it for a long time, BUT she has gotten really into Toy Story 3 lately (we watch it at least 3 times a week) and I think she took note that Jessie and Woody wear cowboy hats. So the other day she spotted her hat and asked to get it down so she could play with it. She makes a pretty darn cute little cowgirl if you ask me!
Cameron is still sweet as can be with Sydney. And Sydney loves it when Cameron talks to her...she just smiles and smiles!
Getting Cameron dressed has turned into quite a battle lately. She is so darn busy you can't get her to hold still for two seconds before she is running down the hall. Thus, getting dressed is usually a multi part process. Last weekend I managed to get her tights and skirt on before she slipped away. Deciding it wasn't worth the battle, I let her go and started getting Sydney dressed. After a few minutes Cameron came tromping down the hallway with my ginormous slippers on! HAHA I was cracking up. What a silly girl! (Please excuse the I said, we hadn't made it that far in the getting dressed process!)
That's all I have for now, but I think you now have a little glimpse into Cameron's personality these days. She really does keep us laughing. :)
That's all I have for now, but I think you now have a little glimpse into Cameron's personality these days. She really does keep us laughing. :)
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