'Tis the season, which means lots of fun Christmas traditions! It's been exciting this year because Cameron is getting big enough to actually participate. Plus, it's Sydney's first time doing all of these things! Being a mom is the greatest. It's like you get to relive all the excitement from when you were a kid.
After Christmas last year we bought Cameron her very own purple Christmas tree. It's been a big hit so far this year. She loves to help plug it in and is always really excited to show it off when people come over to our house.
Cameron has been very interested in our Christmas tree this year. Luckily, I thought ahead and put some ornaments that are safe for her to play with at the bottom of the tree. But, of course, the safe ornaments only keep her attention for so long before she goes after the other ornaments. The biggest fascination, the glass balls...go figure!
The weekend that Sydney was supposed to have her surgery, Cameron spent the night at Superpop and Granne's house and she got to go to a Christmas party with them! It sounds like she had a lot of fun doing crafts and eating Christmas cookies. I tried to snatch a quick picture of her in front of the tree in her Christmas outfit when they brought her home.
I had Sydney dressed up in a cute Christmas outfit for BSF last week, so I figured I should take advantage and take a few pictures of the girls in front of the tree. Let's just say Cameron wasn't into the whole idea of a photo session. But I did get a few cute shots of Sydney!
Last weekend Aunt Mac came to visit us from Virgina. It was so great to see her! She is a great baker, so while she was here we made some Christmas treats. Cameron jumped right in and helped us out. It was a hoot. Her favorite...licking the spoon!
This isn't holiday related at all...but Sydney is getting really good with her tummy time lately.
Last year we never made it to see Santa, so this year I really wanted to take Cameron to meet the jolly ol' guy. We got there right when it opened, but the line was already over an hour (ugh!). But we decided to wait it out anyway. Cameron wasn't in the best of moods to start with, and Santa can be a little intimidating, so Granne and I ended up posing in some of the pictures too. Sydney however was a champ and was perfect for Santa!
When we got back to my mom and dad's house after seeing Santa we decided to take a few more pictures. I'm going to venture to say Cameron is a little bit bigger fan of Superpop than she is of Santa right now!
After our Santa adventure I made some coffee cake with my mom while Cameron took a nap. I couldn't resist the temptation to put Sydney in one of the cooking bowls!
Yesterday we had a big snow storm! I love days like that. The girls and I stayed in our PJs all day and watched movies and read books. I was a little bummed because we were supposed to make roll out Christmas cookies with some friends, but because of the snow we decided to cancel. I already had the dough in the refrigerator though, so Cameron, Sydney and I pressed forward with cookie making. It was quite the undertaking, but fun none the less.
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