Friday, November 11, 2011

One Month Old!

Sydney is One Month Old!

November 11, 2011
Weight: 9 pounds, 11 ounces
Length: 21.25 inches
Head: 37.5 centimeters

Here we go again. Our little newborn is not so little anymore...she's already a month old! And she's growing like crazy. She's gained over a pound since she was born and grown an inch and a half. That's a lot for such a little girl. She's in the 63rd percentile for weight, the 54th percentile for length and the 78th percentile for head circumference. We had her doctor's appointment today and the doctor said she looks great. Yay!

So Sydney, what are you up to at one month old?
  • You love to be held and carried around. Does this mean you're going to be a cuddle bug? I sure hope so. :)
  • You grunt a ton! Mostly when we lay you down.
  • You are a great eater (obviously by your weight gain). You eat about 7 or 8 times a day.
  • You are still wearing newborn diapers and clothes, but we're in the process of transitioning to the next size because they're getting a little tight on you.
  • You're a pacifier girl like your sister.
  • You like the water when we give you baths.
  • You are sleeping in a Pack n' Play in Daddy and Mommy's room.
  • You are starting to sleep longer stretches at night. Most of the time it's 4 hours but your getting close to 5 hours now!
  • You are a tough cookie. Getting bonked by your sister doesn't even phase you.
  • You are beautiful, sweet and such a joy to have around. We are so lucky to have you as our little girl Sydney!
Of course Cameron wanted to sit in the chair and have her picture taken too! Sydney wasn't too sure about being "loved on", but she really is a sweet big sister.


Unknown said...

When you put the two together big sister looks so big! Sweet girls!

theseemanfamily said...

I like Sydney's giant duck :)