Pregnancy Highlights
How far along: 35 weeks, 3 days
Size of baby: 5.25 lbs (about the weight of a honeydew melon), 18 inches
Total weight gain: still at about 35 lbs
Maternity clothes: starting to get sick of them...
Gender: Sill a girl. A few friends and I were having a conversation yesterday about people who have had surprises in the delivery room even after having several ultrasounds confirming the baby's sex. I can't even imagine that! After all the time you put into mentally (and physically) preparing for a little baby of one sex and then having a little Bobby pop out instead of a Sally...gosh, that would be quite the little surprise!
Movements: It really seems like this little girl moves around a lot more than Cameron did. I don't know if its just been so long that I don't accurately remember the amount that Cameron moved or what, but all I have to say is this little girl has some serious power behind those limbs!
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty well considering I have a beach ball as a belly right now.
What I miss: Being able to move around easily. It's getting more and more difficult to do those everyday tasks. I was thinking about it and when I'm carrying Cameron I'm actually carrying around like 60 extra pounds when you add up the baby weight and then Cameron's weight. That's a lot! No wonder my body is getting tired.
Cravings: Nope, nothing really.
Symptoms: The right side of my lower back, kind of in the sacrum area, has been getting really sore. I've been very thankful for the chiropractor because she's been able to get things lined up a little better so the ouchie-ness isn't quite so bad.
Best moment of the week: I think Ryan and I finally decided on the baby's name! Don't get too excited though, we're still going to keep it a secret until she's here. (Oh it's so much fun to drive you all crazy!) ;) Also found out at my doctor's appointment this week that I'm 1cm dilated. Not that it really means that much (a lot of people start progressing early like this, especially after their first pregnancy) BUT what it does mean is we're getting close! I can't believe that NEXT MONTH we're going to be a family of four!
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